General objectives:

Knowing the basic conceptsabout food safety.Mastering the properties offood and the factors that cause its modification due to the alteration orcontamination of it.

Acquiring good food handlingpractices at the professional and personal level.Obtaining the necessaryknowledge to ensure the safety of food in each of the stages in the food chain.

Specific objectives:

Knowing the types of toxininfections as well as their effects, modes of appearance and control, etc.Mastering the mechanisms offood preservation.Learning the measures toprevent food contamination.

Becoming aware of theimportance of taking preventive measures in the moment of food handling.Acquiring the general andspecific rules of hygiene in the handling of foods.

Learning unit

1. Food securityIntroduction

1.Food and foodchain


1.2.Food industry

1.3.Commercialisationor sale

1.4.Consumers2.Food security

3.The food handler

3.1.Obligations of thefood handler

3.2.Personal hygienerequirements



4.History of foodsecurity

5.Impact of foodsecurity

5.1.Consequences o fin adequate hygienic practices

5.2.Advantages ofcorrect hygienic practicesKey points Learning unit

2. Alterationand contamination of food Introduction

1.Alteration of food1.1.Physical causes

1.2.Chemical causes

1.3.Biological causes

2.Contamination of food

2.1.Foodborne diseases

2.2.Most frequent causes of contamination

3.Chemical andphysical contamination


4.1.Factors thatfavour the development of microorganisms

4.2.Whicmicroorganisms cause toxic infections?

5.Food preservation

5.1.Physicalpreservation methods

5.2.Chemicalpreservation methods

5.3.Other methods ofpreservation

6.Basic measures inpreventionKey pointsLearning unit

3. Correct practices ofhygieneIntroduction1.Hygiene of thehandler

1.1.Bad hygienichabits

1.2.Good hygienichabits

2.Hygiene ofpremises, facilities and equipment

2.1.Cleaning anddisinfection

2.2.Where, when andwith what to clean

2.3.The responsibilityfor the cleaning and what to clean

2.4.Material andequipment used in cleaning

2.5.General cleaningrecommendations

2.6.Factors that mayaffect a defective cleaning and disinfection

3.Pest control:anti-rat and fumigation

3.1.Anti-rat control


4.Potable watercontrol

4.1.Characteristics ofthe installation

4.2.Periodic checks


5.Waste control

5.1.Good practices inwaste management

5.2.Food handling andthe environment

6.Maintenance offacilities

7.Traceability andsuppliers

7.1.Raw materials andsuppliersKey points Learning unit

4.The self ? control systems. The HACCPIntroduction

1.General concepts

2.Structure ofself-control systems

3.Legal requirementsKey points